CHCC participates in research study

CHCC participates in research study

CHCC staff and the families of people receiving care here are invited to participate in a collaborative research study from the University of Washington, the University of Pittsburg and the University of California Los Angeles. What is the purpose of the study? A...
Resident Spotlight: Gerrit and Tracy V.

Resident Spotlight: Gerrit and Tracy V.

Have you lived in other places besides Lynden? Gerrit was born and raised in Iowa, and Tracy was born in Montana, where she remembers riding on horseback to a one-room schoolhouse with two of her siblings. Her family moved to Brooten, Minnesota when she was 11 years...
How to stay active indoors during the winter

How to stay active indoors during the winter

Staying active during the winter months is essential for older adults to maintain their physical and mental well-being. While it may seem challenging due to colder weather and limited access to outdoor spaces, there are numerous ways seniors can stay active without...

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