Resident Spotlight: David W.

Resident Spotlight: David W.

Have you lived in other places besides Lynden? My twin brother Daniel and I were born in Sebeka, Minnesota. I later lived in Shelton, Washington, then moved to Bellingham, Washington, in 1960. I lived in Bellingham until I moved to Lynden. What was your first job? My...


Dear Caregiver,When I ask why you do what you do,you tell me it was reading all fourteen Oz booksto your mom during her last year of life that was the beginningof your soul’s insistenceon who you could be in this life. You tell me about Ann, who lived with...
Resident Spotlight: William (Bill) V.

Resident Spotlight: William (Bill) V.

Have you lived in other places besides Lynden? Yes. I was born on Jan. 25, 1930, in Willmar, Minnesota. I was the sixth of 10 children. In 1955, at the age of 25, I moved to Lynden. I met my wife, Margaret, in Lynden because we were neighbors. We got married in 1956....

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