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Woman smiling at camera with self-determination

When your loved ones move to long-term care, do they give up their rights to make decisions about their lives?

Absolutely not.

Living in a skilled nursing center like Christian Health Care Center does not mean that people lose the ability to exercise their rights as citizens or residents of the United States.

In fact, CHCC works diligently, day in and day out, to ensure that residents’ rights are protected to the greatest extent possible.

You, your family members and your loved ones can rest assured knowing that residents’ choices are important.

What is self-determination, and why is it important?

Essentially, self-determination means that you retain the right to make decisions, as much as possible, about important aspects of your life.

Self-determination means that you have the right to:

  • Choose activities, schedules (including sleeping and waking times) and health care providers consistent with your interests, assessments and plan of care.
  • Make choices about aspects of your life that are significant to you, including what you eat and how you spend free time.
  • Manage your financial affairs — including the right to know, in advance, what charges may be imposed against personal funds.
  • Formulate advance health care directives to ensure that your desires are followed even when your health no longer allows you to make your own decisions.
  • Organize and participate in resident and family groups and community activities.
  • Participate in social, religious and community affairs that do not interfere with the rights of other individuals at CHCC.
  • Wear your own clothing and determine dress, hairstyle or other personal effects.

Self-determination and your right to a designated representative

Older couple hugging and smiling.

Your right to self-determination also extends to your right to designate a representative who may exercise your rights, on your behalf, to the extent provided by state law. The representative may exercise only those rights delegated to him or her, and your wishes and preferences will still be considered. You also will be provided with opportunities to participate in the care planning process, and you retain the right to exercise all rights not delegated to a representative — including the right to revoke a delegation of rights, except as limited by state law.

Caregivers who respect your rights

If you come to live at CHCC, you have the right to make choices about aspects of life that are significant to you. What’s more, you have the right to exercise these rights free of interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal.

You have the right to a dignified existence. You have the right to spend time with other people inside (and outside, if you’re able) of CHCC. You have the right to self-determination.

More information about the rights of those who live at Christian Health Care Center is available in the CHCC Resident Handbook. Copies of the handbook are available at the front desk and are given to every resident upon admission.


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