Everyone has unique experiences in life. Each person has a story to tell and words of wisdom that can be shared with others. With that in mind, we’d like to introduce you to some of the wonderful people who live here at CHCC. Here is a recent Q&A session we did with Sybil H.
Have you lived in other places besides Lynden?
I was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, but lived in three other states. I lived in Texas, California and currently live in Washington. If I could go back and visit any of the places I’ve previously lived, I would go back to Arkansas and do a road trip around the entire state.
What was your first job?
My first job was in a family-owned shoe store. My favorite job was when I lived in San Antonio, Texas, and worked as a secretary. And, of course, I loved when I worked with horses.
What other types of work did you do before retiring?
As I mentioned, I worked as a secretary, but I loved racing horses. I raced them on the track and also did barrel racing. One time, before I went on vacation, I decided to try to train a young colt. I got thrown off and broke my arm. It was painful, but my dad was a doctor, and he put my arm in a splint, and we went on vacation! (Said with a laugh.) He was always there for me.
What was your favorite thing about the work you did?
Horses, horses, horses. I am a horse girl at heart. I was also a cheerleader in high school and loved the community and friendships I made, but horses are forever. The bond you build with a horse is like nothing else. If I could bring a horse here and keep it in my room, I would!
What is one thing that you have been most proud of in your life?
I would have to say raising my two daughters. I’ve been married three times, but my proudest moment was deciding to adopt my daughters. They are my pride and joy. I adopted one when she was five and the other when she was just a baby. The one I adopted as a baby was because I was good friends with her biological mother. But, you know, you don’t need to be blood-related to be family. Family is not defined by blood.
What is the hardest thing that you’ve lived through, and how did you get through it?
The death of my parents. I was extremely close with my parents, and it was devastating when they passed. And the three divorces. But, you know, in those moments, you must surround yourself with friends and create a community that will support you. Without my community during those tough times, it would have been much harder to get through.
What was your favorite decade to live in, and why?
This is a hard question. I guess I would have to say my 20s, so the ’60s. I would have to say my 20s because I was mature enough to be out on my own, and I knew what I wanted. I could explore and do whatever I wanted. And then I got married. (Said with a laugh.) Don’t get married young. You know, sometimes people leave your life, and that’s okay. There’s a reason why someone comes into your life, and there’s a reason why they leave. Each one teaches a lesson.

Who is your favorite author or musician?
Any horse book. Hand me any horse book, and I’ll absolutely love it. Flicka, Black Beauty, Misty of Chincoteague — you name it! I’m a true horse girl!
Do you have a favorite song, artist, inspirational quote, or Bible verse?
Oooohhh! Dolly Parton, John Denver, Elvis… well, everyone loves Elvis. Who doesn’t? Just about any hymn is wonderful. I think hymns are pretty special.
What is one life lesson that you learned from your parents?
There are so many. My parents were truly one of a kind. To work hard and treat others as you would want to be treated.
What is one piece of advice that you would give a 16-year-old?
Treat others as you would want to be treated. And ride horses. If you’re afraid of horses, work to overcome that fear because they are such gentle creatures.
What is one thing most people don’t know about you, but you wish they did?
That I really care about other people. I want to make sure they’re taken care of. And I love hugs. People can say any words and not act on them. But a hug? A hug can speak a thousand words and mean so much more.
What is one thing that you like about living at CHCC?
The people are awesome! I feel like I can talk to just about anyone, and no one judges. I have lived in places where you don’t want to leave your room. Here, I know there is always someone I can talk to. It is heartwarming to know that people who work here truly listen, and if they don’t have time to, they make time to listen.