
Have you lived in other places besides Lynden? 

Of course! I was born in Missouri, and we lived in Van Buren and Redford. Then we moved again just after elementary school. I lived in Custer, here in Washington, for about a year. Later on I lived in Fort Benning, Georgia, for a couple of years when I was in the Army. I also spent some time living in Everson. I really like living in Lynden, though. It is one of the best places to raise a family. I like the emphasis our community puts on God; it’s the best. 

What industry did you retire from? 

Dwight C.

Well, I’ve had a few careers. First, I was an insurance agent with Country Mutual Insurance Company for 13 or 14 years. I also went into the Army for two years, where I jumped out of airplanes at 10,000 feet in the air! I ran the strawberry and raspberry farm with my dad here in Washington for 10 years until he retired, then ran it myself for another 10 years. Then, before I retired, I spent some time doing janitorial and yard work. 

What was your favorite thing about the work you did? 

Selling insurance was definitely my favorite. I got to meet all sorts of people and develop relationships with them. I had around 100 clients who were in the farming industry. I had plenty of experience farming myself, so they trusted me. 

If you could have any type of food today, what would it be? 

Oh, to go to Shari’s and have the beef roast plate with a piece of the strawberry rhubarb pie. It is delicious. 

What is one thing that you have been most proud of in your life? 

I am most proud of my wife and four girls. I met my wife in school and asked her out at the county fair in Missouri. She had her friend with her, and I had a friend with me. We got together and have been together ever since. We’ve had a full life. 

What is one thing you did or experienced that was scary? 

I guess my first jump out of the airplane. When you leave the plane, you’re in plain air! There’s nothing to grab on to! 

What was your favorite decade to live in, and why? 

When our life was the fullest – all my girls were at home in their teen years. You know, my favorite part of raising those girls is it is exciting. Every one of them was different. They are tender hearted. My wife says she raised ’em, not me! 

What is one life lesson that you learned from your parents? 

My mother taught me to love everybody. 

What is one piece of advice that you would give a 16-year-old person today? 

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 

What is one thing most people don’t know about you but you wish they did? 

[Laughs] I have no secrets. 

You’ve lived through other historical events — wars and recessions and such. What do you think of the pandemic that we’re living through now? 

We have to trust our leaders; it’s best to listen to the experts. 

What is one thing that you like about living at CHCC? 

I’ve been to other care centers. This is as good as it can be. 

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