
“Can I expect to have any sort of privacy when living in long-term care?”

It’s a question that comes up on occasion, here at our skilled nursing center in Lynden and at long-term care centers across the United States. Nurses, nursing assistants and all care team members value the privacy of all who receive care at Christian Health Care Center; you can be confident that we do all we can to ensure privacy.

CHCC courtyard near therapeutic recreation
The main courtyard at CHCC in Lynden.

When the topic of privacy in long-term care comes up, here are some of the most common questions people like you ask, along with answers about how these situations are handled at CHCC:

Q: Will I have a private place to visit with family members and friends?

A: Visits by family members and friends are important, and we strongly encourage them. Visiting hours are flexible to fit your desires; we try to accommodate everyone with privacy and space. CHCC has a conference room, sun room and library that are available for  groups. There also is space in the lobby for you to receive guests in reasonable comfort and privacy.

Q: Will anyone read my mail or open packages before I get them?

A: No. You have the right to privacy in written communication, including the right to promptly send and receive unopened mail and other letters, packages and materials. This includes materials delivered through means other than the United States Postal Service. If you want to send mail, you may purchase stationery, postage and writing implements from the front desk. Mail and packages addressed to you at CHCC will be delivered unopened to your room.

Q: How can I maintain privacy while dressing when I’m sharing a room?

A: The right to privacy comes with the obligation to respect the rights of others, including roommates, visitors and volunteers. That’s why CHCC provides privacy drapes in all rooms. When you are getting dressed or during times when you may be unclothed, please ensure that the privacy drape is fully closed.

Q: What about my medical records and health information? Are those private, too?

A: Your health information — the information and records we have about your health, health status, and the health care and services you receive at CHCC — is private, but there are certain cases in which we may need to share it in order to protect your health and the health of others. CHCC follows all laws and regulations about health information very carefully; we only share health information about you when it is necessary.

You may request a restriction on the information we use or disclose for treatment, payment or health care operations. You may request a limit on the information we disclose to someone who is involved in your care, like a family member or friend. For example, you could ask that we not use or disclose information about a surgery you’ve had.

To learn more about the privacy of medical records in a long-term care setting, please ask to see a copy of CHCC’s resident handbook.

Q: Can I review the medical records that CHCC has on file about me?

Elderly woman smiling broadly while sitting on bed in skilled nursing center.

A: Yes, absolutely. You have the right to inspect and copy your health information, such as medical and billing records, that CHCC references when providing your care. Just submit a written request to the CHCC privacy officer. Certain restrictions do apply; detailed info about requesting medical records is available in CHCC’s resident handbook.

Q: Are there any other areas in which I can expect privacy in long-term care?

A: You can expect to have as much privacy as possible when living at Christian Health Care Center in Lynden, WA, including in accommodations; medical treatment; oral, written, electronic, and telephone communications; personal care; visits; meetings of family and resident groups; during medical care and treatment; and in activities of personal hygiene matters. Your privacy is protected by government agencies, and your caregivers at CHCC carefully abide by those guidelines and all others.

If you ever have a question about privacy at CHCC, please feel free to ask for CHCC’s privacy officer at 360-354-4434.


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