Resident Spotlight: Tom G.
Every person who lives at CHCC has a story. Learn about Tom G. in this resident spotlight interview.
Proposed budget cuts negatively impact the long-term care industry
The Aging and Long-Term Services Administration (ALTSA) has released its State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2022 Biennium Decision Package. While the package has been sent to Gov. Jay Inslee's office, the long-term care funding proposals included within are considered...
Resident Spotlight: Bill M.
Every person who lives at CHCC has a story. Learn about Bill M. in this resident spotlight interview.
Will your rehab services at CHCC be covered by insurance? Here’s what to know.
This fall, during open enrollment, seniors in Whatcom County can sign up for health insurance for the coming year. Many options are available, and it can be confusing to sort through the choices. Some plans are more expensive than others, and it’s for reasons of cost...
Advocating for the long-term industry during COVID-19
CHCC is a member of Washington Health Care Association -- a nonprofit industry group that promotes quality care and advocates for those who live and work in long-term care and assisted living centers. WHCA is well respected in our industry, which is why CHCC's CEO,...
Resident Spotlight: Tena S.
Every person who lives at CHCC has a story. Learn about Tena S. in this resident spotlight interview.
Bringing laughter and lightness into your life
“We don't laugh because we're happy, we're happy because we laugh.” -William James (1842–1910) Could anyone out there use some moments of lightness right about now? People of all ages have been facing some tough situations of late, and times have been difficult. Not...
Your diligence will help end social isolation
Did you know that long-term care residents in Whatcom County and throughout Washington state have been living without communal activities and social interactions since March 11, 2020? While many citizens have resumed “normal” activities -- family gatherings, eating...
Program brings online arts education to CHCC
More arts are coming to Christian Health Care Center! LeadingAge Washington has partnered with Seattle-based Silver Kite Community Arts to provide free arts engagement opportunities to all those who live at CHCC here in Lynden. The program began in August and will...