
Learning new skills is great for the brain.

The Association of Psychological Science has reported that learning skills such as photography can improve cognitive functioning in older adults. Moreover, learning several skills at once can have additional benefits. Research published in the Journals of Gerontology states that the simultaneous learning of new skills, such as Spanish, drawing and music composition, can increase cognitive abilities in older adults to levels similar of adults 30 years younger.

Older man sitting near window viewing online courses for seniors.

The therapeutic recreation department here at Christian Health Care Center in Lynden offers a number of activities for residents of our long-term care center to help them remain social and to keep their brains as sharp as possible.

In addition, many options are available for older adults online, including through the American Association of Retired Persons. More commonly known as AARP, the association has a plethora of free online events on its website:

  • A fitness class helps viewers learn how to increase their bone density and protect themselves against osteoporosis.
  • A presentation of World War II history shares incredible obstacles the U.S. military faced on D-Day.
  • A retirement planning course promises to help viewers learn ways to take charge of their financial futures.
  • A Pilates class teaches movements designed to improve the way viewers’ bodies function in daily life.
  • A four-part Irish dancing class teaches beginners the basics of soft-shoe Irish dancing.
  • An entry-level Nia class promises a mind/body workout that fuses dance moves with gentle aerobics, tai chi and yoga.
  • A food historian shares her thoughts on Americans’ favorite breakfast fare.

Many more options are available; this is just a small sampling of the courses available. Each of these classes is free online, with AARP membership not required.

The courses are offered through the AARP Virtual Community Center, which boasts many “free interactive online events and classes designed for learning, self-improvement and fun.”

Older man sitting on couch viewing online courses for seniors.

In addition, through its Senior Planet program, AARP offers live, online classes and discussion groups specifically for those 60 and older. Topics include using Zoom to chat with family and friends, exploring Windows and Android computers, easy-to-follow tai chi, and an open discussion for participants throughout the country.

Senior Planet classes also are free, and there’s a hotline to call (888-713-3495) for anyone needing help joining a class.

AARP also offers a number of free (and many paid, as well) Skills Builder for Work courses that aim to build business skills, such as fundamentals of small and online businesses and personal creativity.

AARP, founded in 1958, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that empowers people to choose how they live as they age.

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