
38 years. That is how long Steven J. Alexander, MD, has served as CHCC’s medical director!

Steven J. Alexander, MD
Steven J. Alexander, MD

In this role, Dr. Alexander has collaborated with CHCC team members to ensure that everyone receives quality care here. He has provided expert insight and guided our nursing staff with regard to treatments and current best practices. He has been a staunch supporter of long-term care and rehabilitation in Lynden. For all of that – years of service, dedication to industry, and caring for our family, friends and neighbors – we are grateful.

Dr. Alexander expressed his desire to retire from the role of medical director at CHCC earlier this year. He has been kind and collaborative as we have worked to find a replacement and establish a transition plan, which is now in place. His last days here will be in October; however, he is not retiring from medicine. He will continue serving the local community through his role at Lynden Family Medicine, which is good news.

Please join us in thanking Dr. Alexander for all he has done for Christian Health Care Center over the decades! Words cannot express his impact and our appreciation.

Our new care providers

Angie Lee, MD
Angie Lee, MD

A thorough search for a new medical director was conducted; I’m pleased to announce that The Center for Senior Health, operated by PeaceHealth, has been chosen to serve our residents and patients. Through this partnership, we will have access to two care providers:

Medical Director: Angie Lee, MD

Dr. Lee will be at CHCC two times per week. She will provide medical direction to our care team, filling the role Dr. Alexander held. Dr. Lee is well-versed in skilled nursing; she is certified in internal, geriatric and palliative medicine, which will be a benefit to those who work and receive care here.  

Cindy Peers, ARNP
Cindy Peers, ARNP

Nurse Practitioner: Cindy Peers, ARNP

In addition to the medical director, we will also have access to a nurse practitioner who can help with direct care, diagnosis and condition management.  Ms. Peers has completed graduate-level education and training and specializes in adult health. She will be at CHCC four times per week.

Please help us welcome these new care providers as they settle into their roles here. They are both looking forward to providing care in the Lynden community, and particularly at CHCC, where we have earned a reputation for delivering patient-centered care with compassion and love in Christ’s name.

If you have questions about the role of medical director at Christian Health Care Center, please direct them to Tonja Myers, CHCC’s administrator. 360-354-4434.

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