Monthly memorials are a dear time of sharing, remembering

Monthly memorials are a dear time of sharing, remembering

On the second Thursday of every month, CHCC's chaplain walks to the front of the chapel at Christian Health Care Center in Lynden. They turn to the 30-or-so people in the audience and pick up a newspaper. With a clear, calm voice, they begin to read obituaries. There...

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What type of elder care is best for your loved one?

What type of elder care is best for your loved one?

One question often asked of the admissions team here at Christian Health Care Center is some version of “What level of care does dad need?” Based on their care needs, family members of elders in Whatcom County often call asking for information they can use to decide...

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Dememtia care provides peace of mind for families

Dememtia care provides peace of mind for families

Imagine trying to sleep at night with concerns that your 80-year-old mom will fall at home and not be able to call for help. Imagine trying to find peace while worrying that your dad will find the car keys you hid, go for a drive and get lost. Tough, right? Well,...

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CHCC launches antibiotic stewardship program

CHCC launches antibiotic stewardship program

The overuse of antibiotics has created a real problem in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control, antibiotics are among the medications most often prescribed in nursing homes, with up to 70 percent of residents receiving at least one course of...

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