Resident spotlight: Teresa G.

Resident spotlight: Teresa G.

“Flying across the Grand Canyon in a helicopter was scary. It was my husband’s idea; everyone said we just had to do it while we were there. It was beautiful, but scary.”

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Resident spotlight: Eric H.

Resident spotlight: Eric H.

“I am most proud of my family. My wife, Dorothy Joan, and I both graduated from Mount Baker High School. She was 16 and I was 17 when we started dating. We’re still high school sweethearts, and we still love each other.”

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Resident spotlight: Jack S.

Resident spotlight: Jack S.

“My parents drove from Montana to Lynden to start a farm when I was young. They moved because of the depression. My dad drove a truck during that move, and there was a goat in the back of it. When my brother or I were hungry, he would pull over to the side of the road and my mom would milk it and give us the milk to drink.”

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Resident Spotlight: Fran T.

Resident Spotlight: Fran T.

“Maybe I shouldn’t even tell you this, but I never went to high school. My parents had 10 children — five boys and five girls. My mom got in a car accident around the time I was supposed to start high school, and my dad told me I needed to stay home to help with all the kids, since I was the oldest daughter.” -Fran T.

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