Resident Spotlight: David W.

Resident Spotlight: David W.

What is one thing that you like about living at CHCC?
“I’m an outdoor person, so one of my favorite things to do here is sit in the courtyard and soak up the sun. ”

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Dear Caregiver,
When I ask why you do what you do,
you tell me it was reading all fourteen Oz books
to your mom during her last year of life that was the beginning
of your soul’s insistence
on who you could be in this life.

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Resident Spotlight: Gerrit and Tracy V.

Resident Spotlight: Gerrit and Tracy V.

What is one thing that you like about living at CHCC? “We are happy to be living at Christian Health Care Center. The service is fantastic, and all our medical needs are taken care of. Everyone here does a good job.”

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Remembrance ornaments

Remembrance ornaments

This holiday season, Christian Health Care Center is offering a meaningful way to honor your loved ones who are no longer with us.

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