
The legalization of marijuana in Washington state and the recent explosion in popularity of cannabidiol (CBD) products have led to some questions about whether the use of CBD for medicinal purposes is allowed in skilled nursing centers like Christian Health Care Center.

CBD, as you might know, is present in marijuana and hemp and is used for a number of medical uses, including for the treatment of chronic pain. It contains only trace amounts of THC, the compound in marijuana that produces a “high,” and it has been turning up in all manner of products, from food to dietary supplements. In Washington state, it is legal for individuals over the age of 21 to purchase and use products such as CBD oil and lotions.

However, on the national level, CBD products are not approved by the Federal Drug Administration for the treatment of any disease or condition, and it is illegal (at the federal level) to sell dietary supplements that contain CBD. Under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, any product intended to have a therapeutic or medical use is a drug, and drugs are under the purview of the FDA.

Government regulations restrict cannabis use

Because the FDA has not approved CBD for medical or therapeutic use, the situation becomes tricky for health care centers that receive federal funds, such as through Medicare and Medicaid, even though the products might be legal in the specific state in which the center resides.

By law, skilled nursing and rehab centers like CHCC can only administer products and medications that have FDA approval, or they could be penalized.

To ensure that CHCC doesn’t do anything to jeopardize its federal funding — which is necessary to keep the nonprofit care center operational — CBD products are not allowed in our skilled nursing center in Whatcom County.

As noted in the CHCC resident handbook, use of the following cannabis/CBD products is not allowed: any species of the genus cannabis plant or any mixture or preparation of them, including whole plant extracts and resins that are delivered in the form of an edible, lotion, salve, liquid, oil, pill, smoke or vapor.

Ongoing research into CBD

According to a July 2019 article on its website, the FDA “recognizes the significant public interest in cannabis and cannabis-derived compounds, particularly CBD,” but goes on to note that “there are many unanswered questions about the science, safety, and quality of products containing CBD.”

So far, the FDA has approved one use of CBD for a rare form of child epilepsy, and according to Harvard Medical School, it has eased restrictions to allow researchers to conduct CBD trials.

To date, there isn’t much information available about how CBD affects the body. However, included in the FDA’s ongoing research is an effort to determine how CBD affects the elderly in particular.

CBD drugs not supported by FDA

The FDA notes that — especially with CBD’s recent rise in popularity — a number of unsubstantiated claims have surfaced about CBD’s ability to treat certain symptoms.

“Unlike drug products approved by the FDA, unapproved CBD drug products have not been subject to FDA review as part of the drug approval process,” the FDA writes on its website, “and there has been no FDA evaluation regarding whether they are safe and effective to treat a particular disease, what the proper dosage is, how they could interact with other drugs or foods, or whether they have dangerous side effects or other safety concerns.”

That said, research is currently being done into the value and effect of CBD, and the FDA’s policy may change in the not-too-distant future.

For now, as we abide by all industry regulations, Christian Health Care Center is abiding by FDA’s restrictions of CBD use. Leaders at CHCC are monitoring this health care trend carefully with the best interests in mind of individuals receiving therapeutic rehabilitation or long-term care. CHCC’s policy regarding the use of cannabis in a long-term care setting will be reviewed and updated based on FDA findings in the future. Stay tuned!

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