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Latest update: Mar. 18, 2025

This Alert page is updated by 5 p.m. daily when there is new information to share. A synopsis of previous updates can be found on the Alert Archives page. In addition to updates here, occasional emails (subscribe here) provide valuable information about CHCC. 


There were no regulatory announcements or significant changes in our operations this past week; no residents or staff have tested positive for COVID-19 recently.

This Alert page will be updated every Monday (Tuesday if Monday falls on a holiday) if any positive COVID-19 tests were reported in the previous week. If no positive cases were reported during the previous week, the Alert page will not be updated.

CHCC will continue to test all staff and all consenting residents per local, state and federal guidelines. ​All staff members continue to be screened before they start work, and we monitor our residents daily, watching for any signs or symptoms of the virus. Infection control best practices are followed, and appropriate personal protective equipment is worn by all.


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