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Activities and Therapeutic Recreation

Recreation’s purpose is not to kill time, but to make life; not to keep a person occupied, but to keep them refreshed; not to offer an escape from life, but to provide a discovery of life.

Care team members and volunteers (opens in a new tab) at Christian Health Care Center have taken this motto to heart.

What is therapeutic recreation, and how can it benefit those who live full-time at CHCC?

In short, therapeutic recreation programs (opens in a new tab) are designed to facilitate the physical and emotional well-being of individuals by providing activities that help improve cognitive, social and motor functioning.

Therapeutic activities at CHCC — meant to be fun and purposeful! — are part of a holistic program that has been designed to keep minds and bodies engaged in all kinds of ways.

Even a single 20-minute exercise session, for example, can help people significantly reduce anxiety and stress (opens in a new tab). Activities such as board games and bingo, both favorites at CHCC, help improve hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and gross motor movement.

Some favorite activities include music, socializing, scenic outings in Lynden, worship services, pet visits, and movie nights. Sounds fun, right?

Positive, engaged interactions are critical to maintaining and even improving health and well-being, regardless of age or ability. Learn more here (opens in a new tab).


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