
Have you lived in other places besides Lynden? 

Yes, I was actually born in Melbourne, Ontario. I moved to Lynden at age 5, and it has been my home ever since. 

Dennis. S

What industry did you retire from? 

I grew up working on my parents’ dairy farm; it started out with just three cows that we milked by hand every day. Quickly, the farm grew to 30 cows with a few chickens, and I helped take care of those critters and the land. I also helped out our neighbors with their farmland. 

What was your favorite thing about the work you did? 

Oh boy, my favorite thing was driving the tractor. 

If you could have any type of food today, what would it be? 

I don’t really know; I haven’t tried all foods yet! [Said with a laugh] 

What is one thing that you have been most proud of in your life? 

Graduating from Lynden Christian High School. I am a proud alumnus! 

What is one life lesson that you learned from your parents? 

Being a farmer takes a lot of effort. My parents taught me the value of hard work and what we can accomplish together as a team. 

What is one piece of advice that you would give a 16-year-old person today? 

Don’t be afraid to try new things! 

What is one thing most people don’t know about you but you wish they did? 

Maybe that my family is originally from Holland. My parents, brother, and sister were all born there before they moved to Canada. My family taught me about the Dutch culture and helped me stay connected to that side of my roots. 

You’ve lived through other historical events — wars and recessions and such. What do you think of the pandemic that we’re living through now? 

I sure wish things would get better. I luckily haven’t had any contact with it, but these times sure are different. 

What is one thing that you like about living at CHCC? 

It keeps me out of trouble, I think! [Said with a laugh] 

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