
Everyone has unique experiences in life. Each person has a story to tell and words of wisdom that can be shared with others. With that in mind, we’d like to introduce you to some of the wonderful people who live here at CHCC. Here is a recent Q&A session we did with Bill H.

Q: Have you lived in other places besides Lynden?
A: Yes. I’ve lived in lots of places; I came to Lynden from Sacramento, California in 2003. I was born in Campbell, Missouri, and lived there until I was 12 years old. My family moved to California due to father’s health.

Q: What industry did you retire from?
A: I was in the banking industry; worked at Bank of America for 38 years.

Q: What was your favorite thing about the work you did?
A: I enjoyed helping people.

Q: If you could have any type of food today, what would it be?
A: That would be pizza from Papa Murphy’s. The Mediterranean one, thin crust chicken, spinach, tomato.

Q: What is one thing that you have been most proud of in your life?
A: Marrying my wife. We have been married for 43 years.

Q: What was your favorite decade to live in, and why?
A: Right now; this is my favorite decade. More things are going on now in the world. There is new technology, medical advancements, etc. People talk about the good old days, but I think they are now.

Q: What is one life lesson that you learned from your parents?
A: Honesty and a love for God.

Q: What is one piece of advice that you would give a 16-year-old person today?
A: Follow the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Q: You’ve lived through other historical events — wars and recessions and such. What do you think of the pandemic that we’re living through now?
A: This virus is an unknown thing we are dealing with, and it has become very political on the news.

Q: What is one thing that you like about living at CHCC?
A: The people that work here. The staff, they are good people.

Q: What activities or hobbies do you enjoy?
A: I like using my computer, reading and doing jigsaw and word puzzles. I like easy listening music and watching spectator sports, especially golf. Attending restorative therapy is good, and so is spending time outdoors. I also enjoy being part of North County Christ the King church — watching the Sunday service from my computer!

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